Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dry Shampoo

In my March Birchbox I received a dry shampoo. The purpose of a dry shampoo is to help with the oiliness of your hair. I myself have very oily hair and must wash my hair everyday because of it. The dry shampoo soaks up the oils in your hair so that you do not have to wash your hair everyday. I usually sport my naturally curly hair and do not necessarily have to wash it everyday, especially during the winter months. I have never tried a dry shampoo, and I have always been hesitant to try it. I have seen how it can leave your scalp and hair looking white. Since it came in my Birchbox I decided to give a try. In order to give it the right chance, I decided to blow dry my hair straight. After the second day of my hair was a bit oily and I decided to use the dry shampoo. It says to spray on roots and let sit for two minutes. After the two minutes brush out your hair. The spray did turn my hair white and I felt like even after brushing it out it still had a different shade. It made my hair look a bit dry and stiff. It no longer had the volume that I would have liked. Because my hair felt stiff I decided to style it in an up-do. I do not think I will use the dry shampoo again. Mainly it is because of how it made my hair look. It does do it's job in soaking the oil but it then leaves it stiff looking and white. If there was a dry shampoo that did not leave your hair white and stiff I would definitely use it more often. Picture of the the brand I used is below.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Evolution of Smooth

I recently purchased my very first EOS lip balm. I am a habit of nature when it comes to certain things, and chap-stick was one of them. Recently however, my current chap-stick was just not doing the trick. I found myself having chapped lips more often than usual. So I decided I would finally try EOS. I have been using it for a few days now and I absolutely love it. Once I purchased it I decided to check out their website and see what they were all about. To my surprise I saw that they use organic ingredients. I fell more in love with this product because it is 100% natural. I especially love the packaging because its not as easy to loose in a huge purse. If you are interested in trying a new lip balm, I suggest EOS. Want to check out their website? Click the link below.